That name lasts until the baby is discharged from hospital.
But for "Hannah" , she remained B/O for a long time. Dont know why mum could not think of a good name, as any mothers would. Hannah was a name through a popular vote; by nurses. And to this day, she remains Hannah.
I refuse to get to know minute details of her early life, for fear that this affects judgement.
But what i know is, at 14 months, she is the longest resident baby in the hospital.A close friend of her's, had been taken away not so long ago , so I was told. Gone, in the authoritative hand of welfare from this 1 nation of ours. Gone, as the nurses told me , to somewhere; a home, they would not place their stray cat into. Surely that's an unkind exaggeration.
Hannah turn for placement was next on the agenda and she patiently waited.
There were of course those with better luck and charm. Although nameless and a B/O, their looks make them attractive. Bookings are often made when they were even in their mother's womb. Documents made ready as they were born .A home not so long after. Different home to the owner of the womb that she'd lived for 9 months. Its OK . That was the deal.
Hannah was different.
By all counts and professional judgments, Hannah is considered abnormal. In as much as her sweet smile tries to compensate, there is no way it could hide her bad squint; or her spastic legs, or that awkward-looking ams;that head lag. Its a text book description that is really a short form of the dreaded word 'handicap'. To some, this means 'special'.
Special as she may seem to be, she is still doomed by hypocrisy of the day.
Wouldn't 'special' mean that she is entitled to at least a decent meal? After all, she does have some teeth!
Or to a loving cuddle?
Or being spoken to?
To rubber teats and bottles?
Nay; nothing of the sort. Sorry Hannah!. We call you special so that we be considered compassionate. We get into the good books of our 1nation- a caring society.
How could we give you things the authorities consider 'unfriendly'?
Bottles, teats, infant formula?. These are unfriendly objects Hannah! - dont you know that? These can never come near our beloved 'baby-friendly' place. We will lose our hard earned , world-certified accolade. "The Baby-Friendly Hospital"