Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mendidik Anak Secara Menyeronokkan- Zabidi Hussin.(Repeat Posting)

Mendidik Anak Secara Menyeronokkan

Saya kerap diminta berkongsi pengalaman , mendidik 6 anak melalui perspektif seorang doktor kanak-kanak yang faham tentang cara seorang anak berfikir dan bertindak. Pada saya mendidik seorang anak dengan memahami keadaan psikologi mereka amat menyeronokkan.

Keberkesanan sesuatu aspek pendidikan adalah hasil dari 'kemenangan' perang psikologi antara kita dan anak yang mahu kita didik.2) Ada beberapa perkara pokok yang harus diambil kira dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak. Diantaranya ialah

Faham akan kesediaan seorang anak itu menerima sesuatu mesej pendidikan dalam satu-satu masa tertentu. Anak yang letih, lapar atau mengantuk mustahil dapat menggarap sesuatu arahan bahan pendidikan. Langsung dia akan 'mendengarnya' tapi tidak 'mengikutnya'

Faham tahap perkembangan anak pada satu-satu tahap umur. Selalunya anak yang kecil, berumur 5 atau 6 tahun tidak faham istilah-istilah 'kabur' seperti 'jahat', 'buruk', 'baik', 'esok', 'lusa' dan sebagainya.

Cuba tunjukkan jari kita bila kita katakan kepada mereka yang satu-satu perkara akan terjadi 'lusa'. Agak mudah mereka memahami 'lusa' dengan cara begini dan ini akan mengelakkan dari mereka bertanya soalan yang sama bertalu-talu.

Kanak-kanak umpama alat perakam yang berkuasa tinggi. Segala bentuk percakapan, gaya bahasa, gaya berjalan orang disekelilingnya akan dirakam dan dijadikan ikutan amalan mereka. Oleh itu, adalah agak pelik bagi mereka sekiranya dipukul dan dimarahi oleh si ibu dengan arahan " jangan pukul adik!".

Dalam fikiran mereka, kalau ibu boleh pukul mereka , kenapa tidak, mereka tidak boleh pukul adik? Tahap fikiran yang simplistik , tapi releven dengan kemampuan kanak-kanak.c) Mudah difahami yang pendidikan kanak-kanak adalah umpama 'perang saraf' atau 'perang psikologi' yang amat menarik. Sekiranya kita kreatif dalam pendekatan psikologi ini ,maka mendidik anak menjadi senang dan menyeronokkan.d) Anak yang tidak mahu makan?

Gunakan pendekatan psikologi dan ubahkan arahan untuk makan dan ambil pendekatan yang boleh menjadikan suasana makan sesuatu yang seronok. Apa kata kalau makanan dalam pinggan itu kita andaikan sebagai 'monster' dan anak yang akan memakannya adalah 'ultraman'? atau gunakan cara lain yg difikirkan sesuai

Anak kecil selalunya gemar bertanding dan berlumba-lumba. Mereka seronok kalau menang.Apa kata kalau mereka dan kita 'berlumba' untuk ketempat mandi?

Saya yakin, arahan 'pergi mandi' yang kerap kali disanggah oleh seorang anak kecil akan bertukar menjadi satu perkara yang lebih positif; mereka mahu menang untuk ketempat mandi. Dan inilah yang kita mahukan.f) Usia 3-5 tahun adalah usia anak yang mahu gunakan 'kebebasan' yang baru mereka perolehi. Umur inilah mereka dah petah bercakap, pandai menyanggah arahan dengan perkataan"tak mahu". Masa inilah juga mereka sudah laju berjalan, malah mampu berlari.

Senang untuk lari dari melakukan sesuatu yang disuruh. Masa inilah juga kita boleh penat dengan kerenah mereka. Penat memberikan arahan yang tidak diendahkan. Penat sehinggakan kita mula gunakan kekerasan, ancaman atau menakut-nakutkan mereka dengan tahyul, atau perkara abstrak yang serupa

Kekerasan, ancaman atau takut menakutkan tidak perlu samasekali sekiranya kita faham kaedah psikologi dan tahu apa yang ada dalam fikiran mereka. Kaedah menakutkan kanak-kanak dengan hantu, 'polis' , 'doktor yang akan cucuk' kerap kita dengar. Ada ibu bapa yang gunakan kaedah ini untuk dapatkan 'menafaat'yang cepat; anak yang takut akan cepat patuhi arahan , sebab takut ' hantu', 'doktor' atau 'polis'

Namun agak janggal sekiranya kita takutkan mereka dengan sesuatu yang tidak perlu ditakuti hanya untuk dapatkan mereka lakukan sesuatu. Apa kata sekiranya mereka tidak lakukan perkara yang disuruh itu dan tiada pula 'hantu', 'polis' atau doktor' yang datang , seperti yang diancam? Tentunya ancaman itu dikira palsu dan pengalaman yang lebih mirip kepada penipuan. Maka 'halal'lah penipuan, sesuatu yang tidak mahu anak melakukanya. Tetapi kita yang lakukan.i) Yang baiknya kita cakap terus terang dan berikan cerita yang benar, kenapa sesuatu itu harus dilakukan.

Contohnya kita mahu anak mandi. Sebabnya, " nak suruh adik jadi bersih" . tapi anak diperingkat umur 3-5 tahun umumnya tak faham konsep 'bersih'. Terlalu abstrak bagi mereka.j) Apa kata kalau kita buat begini: "Cuba adik cium bau abah ni " . Dengan cara bermain-main , kita suruh dia cium bau badan abah sebelum mandi. Lepas itu kita suruh pula cium selepas mandi. Wangi selepas mandi itu akan buatkan satu contoh yang berkesan , bahawa macam ni maknanya 'bersih"

Saya dapati banyak perkara boleh selesai sekiranya kita kurangkan arahan yang abstrak kepada kanak-kanak kecil. Yang abstrak ni kita yang faham,tapi anak kecil mungkin tak faham. Diantara contoh konsep abstrak yang lain ialah : "jadi anak yang soleh" , " lintas jalan baik-baik",'makanlah betul-betul".l) "Soleh", "baik-baik", "Betul-betul" ni cukup luas maknanya. Anak kecil saya pernah 'menyergah' saya " Adik dah jalan baik-baik ni": yang dia maksudkan , dia dah berjalan dengan pakai selipar cara yang betul dan tidak terbalik. Sedangkan yang saya maksudkan, ialah " jangan berlari semasa lintas jalan"!

Saya cukup seronok, bila tanya semula seorang anak kecil: "baik tu apa agaknya" atau " Soleh tu apa ya?"

Dengan cara ini kita boleh semak kefahaman mereka, dan sesuaikan arahan kita dengan apa yang mereka fahamn) Anak kecil cukup cepat faham bila kita tunjuk apa yang kita mahukan dari mereka. Jangan beri arahan secara lisan sahaja . Contohnya kita mahukan mereka keemaskan barang permainan selepas bermain. Yang biasanya kita cakap " kemas barang permainan kamu tu". Kita tinggalkan mereka untuk mengemas.

Kadangnya menjadi, kadangnya tidak. Kadangnya dikemaskan,tapi tidak mengikut apa yang kita takrifkan sebagai kemaso) Cuba kaedah yang lebih menyeronokkan. "Jom kita kemas sama-sama; tengok siapa yang siap dulu" Lazimnya ajakan ini lebih merupakan ajakan untuk bertanding . Anak kecil suka dengan bentuk arahan sebegini. Pada peringkat permulaannya kita tunjukkan kepada mereka cara mengemas .

Lepas itu saya lazimnya melihat mereka akan membuat perkara itu dengan suruhan yang sedikit sahaja. Tak perlu disergah dan dimarah. Cuba cara yang lebih menyeronokkan ini.

Isu seterusnya:

Adakah anak kecil akan menjadi seorang yang materialistik bila kita kerap memberikan hadiah semasa kecil?

Boleh kah kita pukul seorang anak yang buat kesalahan?

Wajar kah kita latih anak untuk pakai pakaian menutup aurat dari kecil lagi?

Bagaimana untuk memastikan anak kecil makan ?

Anak yang sering gigit dan pukul rakan -rakan. Bagaimana cari menyelesaikannya?

Ikuti perbincangan blog ini seterusnya atau emailkan pertanyaan anda kepada

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Neurological Basis of Dyslexia- Zabidi-Hussin. A public lecture organized by Monash University and Malaysian Dyslexia Association 17th July 2011


The presentation reviews the essential process of childhood development to give better understanding of learning process, and reading abilities

· The human brain is the most complex structure that develops very early immediately after conception

· The brain undergoes rapid changes, increasing the number of cells and their interactions and aided by numerous essential nutrients

· Due to some , as yet unknown process, the brain organizes itself into perfect functional compartments. Each compartment communicates with one another in a very complicated manner and mediated through detailed biochemical process

· Learning is a complex process, but its abilities developed from the first day a baby is born. Multiple stimulus received by the baby from seeing, listening, feeling and sensing the environment that he lives in will all add up to the formation of memory for spoken and written words. Failure of this process will impair reading and other scholastic abilities

· A child’s brain could be best regarded as a very powerful tape recorder and will play back whatever it has recorded during appropriate times. This understanding is critical to understand attitude formation and behaviour development of a child.

· The normal development usually affects 5 main areas namely COGNITIVE (C), OPTIC (O), MOTOR (M), EMOTION AND PSYCHOCIAL (E) and LANGUAGE and HEARING (L). Each one of this can be assessed fairly accurately using appropriate developmental assessment sets such as the KIDDEQUIP DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT KITS. It is important for parents and health care providers to be able to assess these developmental sequences, as detection of early developmental delays is critical . Early delay may imply some interruption to learning abilities, some of which can be due to serious problems such as childhood blindness which may be that obvious to be seen.

· Continuous sensory input to the developing brain leads to formation of many interactions between the cells in the brain. These inputs ought to be given at the earliest opportunity during the period of childcare

· It is now known that the brains grows , not through having more cells, but through developing multiple cell-to-cell connections, aided by many factors such as nutrition and environmental stimulus
· Although many of the process of cell-to-cell connections are determined by the genes of the child, current researches have shown that environment stimulus and nutrition play critical roles, sometimes overriding genetic determinations. This knowledge should give motivation to families whose children are born with some genetics defect.

· As far as reading abilities are concerned, there are certain areas of the brain which appear to be ‘lit up’ when a child reads. In children with dyslexia, these areas appear ‘dimmed’

· The ‘dimming’ of these areas may well be genetically-determined as some genetics defects have been found in children with dyslexia. But while these areas do appear ‘dim’, some other areas in the brain appear to ‘light up’, indicating some compensation in someone who is dyslexic

· Dyslexic children do have some underlying ‘subtle’ problems in deep parts of their brain. The problems are not gross and not caused by anything that a mother could identify.

· We are all susceptible to minor errors in our brain circuit, bearing in mind the extremely complex structure of our brain and the fact that it consists of ‘electrically active wires’ packed within a small space ( the skull)!

· Dyslexic children do have some underlying ‘subtle’ problems in deep parts of their brain. The problems are not gross and not caused by anything that a mother could identify.

· We are all susceptible to minor errors in our brain circuit, bearing in mind the extremely complex structure of our brain and the fact that it consists of ‘electrically active wires’ packed within a small space ( the skull)!

· A dyslexic child is not simply ‘lazy’ in the ordinary sense of the word but does not see written words like you and me. This is seen from some of their copying skills.

· Some of them can do complicated tasks of mending a bicycle, which cannot always be done by professors of medicine!

· Part of their ‘disabilities’ involve having problems with recognizing “left’ and “right”- the so-called ‘handedness confusion, so typical of dyslexics

· The visual pathway in children with dyslexia have been known to be slightly affected. They are certainly not considered visually handicapped, but some may benefit from wearing vision filters . The exact mechanism of this is unknown and more scientific studies ought to be done before this becomes a definitive treatment

· Based on the above understanding of the brain and how it develops to achieve reading and academic abilities, the treatment of dyslexic children ought to use multiple sensory retraining methods. There are quite a number of such methods available and through perseverance and psychological support, a dyslexic child should gain enough confidence although his reading ability is significantly impaired

· As the brain communicates freely from left to right, back and forth, a single approach in training is clearly not logical in the treatment of dyslexia. The main aim is to give enough time for other parts of the brain to be able to take over the function of some deficient parts of the same brain.

· If a 60 year-old man with a stroke can recover and walks unaided after 12 months of intensive physical and psychological rehabilitation, it is then perfectly logical for a child with dyslexia to improve after intensive retraining a and psychological training too.

Malnutrition Slides

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Malnutrition in Malaysian Children- An Overview - Zabidi-Hussin

This lecture was delivered during the Malaysian Dieticians Conference held in Sarawak on 21st July 2011


1) Malnutrition is never an ending problem. The World Food and Agriculture Organisatiion in 2010 estimates that up to 13% of the world population and 70% are in Asia and the Pacific 1

2) The trouble is that these children are usually in a rather secluded areas, the rural communities, or suburban settings, hence “Invisible and Excluded “from the main glare of attention 2

3) Despite great achievements in our health data, often praised by most world authorities, our Minister of Health in 2010 lamented that nutrition problem especially underweight and stunting is still a major threat to our nation’s well being. Estimates put it at 130000 malnutrition children registered over the past decade. This could well be underestimated. The latest National Health and Morbidity survey of 21000 children in 2006 puts malnutrition at 12.9%. Stunting was estimated to be at 17.2%. T he survey highlighted the same issues of growth faltering after 6 months of age ( reflecting improper complementary feeding )and severe malnutrition among infants in rural and underserved areas. Chronic malnutrition manifested by stunting has virtually unchanged over the preceding decade 3

4) It appears that these seemingly “lack of progress” is seen in the background of the manifest National Action Plan 2006 -2015. More worryingly too, is the concomitant rise in the prevalence of obesity among children


5) Working in the state of Kelantan for the past 20 years, convinced me those regional economic disparities has resulted in frightening degrees of problems that stemmed from the basic problem of malnutrition. Kelantan’s GDP per capita stands at RM3761, compared with Malaysia’s figures at RM8962 in 2000 ( EPU data for 9th Malaysia Plan ).Moderate to severe malnutrition has been discovered to even 30% in some of the deprived areas such as Tumpat and some parts of ‘urban’ Kota Bharu. 4, 5

6) The World Bank in 2009 noted that” regional poverty remains a stumbling block in Malaysia’s bid to become a high income nation, despite the country’s progress in bringing down poverty levels nationwide” 6


7) Researchers in Universiti Sains Malaysia have developed simple open-access software that is useful to capture anthropometric data of children seen in the vast network of clinics in hthe country. This Growth Monitor software has potential in giving a nationwide picture of the extent of nutrition problem among children .Linking this data to the Geographic Information System (GIS) further gives an in-depth analysis of geographic influence and possibility of developing Risk-Factor analysis and thus carefully-targeted intervention. A recently-completed study in 12 clinics in Kota Bharu also noted that the mean prevalence of malnutrition stands at almost 15% , most of the children reside in the densely-populated areas of the city. Early data also shows that up to 20% of the severely malnourished children are iron-deficient 7


8) 2 groups of underserved: The Orang Asli population and the handicapped shows high prevalence of malnutrition with serious co-morbidities. 45.9% of the 130000 children malnourished over the last decade were among the orang asli population (Deputy Minister of Health 2010.The Star )

9) In as much as there is a detailed risk map analysis in some states, more data is needed to decipher malnutrition in other states such as Sabah where 20% of population lives under the poverty line and represents 42% of Malaysia’s total poor , or the urban poor.

10) Our recent and ongoing study on the handicapped in Kelantan communities discovered that up to 80% of them are malnourished, making rehabilitation efforts difficult and potentially disappointing. We also discovered that among over 400 children admitted to a tertiary centre for various physical illnesses, 25 % of them are malnourished. 10% are stunted.

11) The Malaysian authorities has recognized the tenacious problem of malnutrition and its counterpart, the obesity epidemic and are putting active efforts to alleviate this to meet the Millennium Development Goal target by 2015


12) I feel that efforts to alleviate malnutrition ought to move from the culture of ‘giving’ such as the Food Basket, food subsidy etc, to creating the culture of empowering people on their health matters. Psychological approaches ought to be enhanced in the training of our health personnel, and equip them with the knowledge of child development.

13) We have experimented this through the launching of COMEL Carnival recently. In this carnival-type approach, families of malnourished children were invited to participate in health i exhibition and fun-type activities where subtle intervention involving knowledge empowerment of families were emphasized. The outcome of this approach will be closely watched.


1) The State of Food Insecurity in the World. FAO October 2010
2) UNICEF, The State of World Children 2006
3) Khor GL et al. Nutritional Status of Children under 5 years in Malaysia: Anthropometric Analysis from the Third National Heath and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS2006) Mal J Nutr 15(2): 121-126;2009
4) Cheah Whye Lian, Wan Manan Wan Muda , Zabidi-Hussin ZAMH, Chang Kam Hock
A Qualitative Study on Malnutrition in Children from the Perspectives of Health Workers in Tumpat, Kelantan Mal J Nutr 13(1): 19-28, 2007
5) Factors Associated With Undernutrition Among Children in a Rural District of Kelantan, Malaysia.
Whye Lian C, Wan Muda WA, Mohd Hussin ZA, Ching Thon C.
6) World Bank 2009
7) Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2009 Jan;93(1):83-92. Epub 2008 Sep 11.
Development and implementation of a web-based system to study children with malnutrition.
Syed-Mohamad SM.